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Sacro Wedgy - Sacro Wedgy - Male Version - A12941 01

Monday, March 19, 2012


Sacro Wedgy - Sacro Wedgy - Male Version - A12941 01


Sacro Wedgy - Sacro Wedgy - Male Version - A12941 01

Product Details

  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 4.3 x 2 inches ; 8 ounces
  • Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • ASIN: B000RZWKO2
  • UPC: 827912073133

By : Body Back Company
Price : $25.98
Sacro Wedgy - Sacro Wedgy - Male Version - A12941 01

Product Description

The Sacro Wedgy Male System helps to stabilize the sacrum, allowing the pelvic girdle to relax and return to its normal position of balance. This in turn helps to eliminate symptoms such as pain or numbness radiating down the legs and tightness and pain in the hip area. This version is specially shaped to fit a man's body. The sacrum is the keystone of your anatomy - the part upon which the spine and most of your weight rests - our center of gravity. When an arch is built, as in construction, the last stone in the arch to go in place is the keystone or wedge-shaped stone. If this wedge is for some reason pulled out of place, the arch will collapse. The sciatic nerve and other nerves extend from the sacrum to all parts of the lower extremities.

Product Features

  • helps to stabilize the sacrum, allowing the pelvic girdle to relax and return to its normal position of balance.
  • helps to eliminate symptoms such as pain or numbness radiating down the legs and tightness and pain in the hip area.
  • specially shaped to fit a man's body.

Customer Reviews

I have been using the Sacro Wedgy for about two weeks now. I have been experiencing sacral/hip problems for about two years. I have worked with yoga, other stretching, consulted a chiropractor and other doctors, and bought an inversion table. All provided relief to some degree, but for some reason never could alleviate the problem, yet x-rays and examinations were not showing any significant problems (welcome to the msyteries of back/hip pain).
Within two days of using this simple device, I was able to isolate the cause of my back problem. I sat on the sacro wedgy for a day in my office chair and felt everything in my pelvis/hip relax, the pain disappeared. I was very happy...then I got in my car to go visit some clients and run some errands. It felt like someboy stuck a hot knife into my lower back and twisted it by the end of the day. Bingo! When I was in my 20's I had an old pickup truck that caused sciatica, which vanished within a week of my replacing that vehicle. However, this wasn't sciatica, and the link was immediately apparent and the car is only 2 years old...the pieces started to fall together.
It was my car seat that was causing my problem. My car is a small compact car, and I never noticed any overt discomfort from it, but I made some adjustments to it, and used the sacro wedgy until I started feeling relief. For the first time in two years, I am 95% pain free and improving.
My recommendation to people looking at this product is to read the instructions very carefully and really feel with your body where it should be placed. It takes a little experimentation to get it right, and I am sure it changes for each person in question. I have found it more effective to actually sit on it on my sofa, office chair, and elsewhere than the the lying down application, although that helps too.
Next, check all your regular seating against the results. If you are experiencing symptoms consistent with tight psoas and iliacus and/or sacral tenderness (do a search on these), then this thing will help you, but what I found most amazing is how quickly it helped me identify the culprit (car seat) and how subtle that problem was. Yet, it was able to put a severe kink in my life for quite some time.
I have a lot of experience with martial arts, body work, etc., and had tried several paths to relief, I am very aware of my body. So, you might want to speak with a good specialist who can help you with the use of this if you don't have a good sense for your own body. If you use it wrong, it will hurt and could make things worse. However, with proper use it could really help.
I don't think this device will help people too much with middle and upper spine issues, but I could be wrong, the back is a complex and wonderful thing. So, good luck, I hope this review helps people with the sacro wedgy and possibly opens up some ideas for people to find relief.

I have terrible back pain that is only made worse by the fact that I am in sales and spend and extraordinary time in my car. I purchased the sacro-wedgy after reading about it on many websites. I have found it offers me relief! It truly is a life style, not an instant relief. I use it about 3-4 times a week and have found that is slowly helping my back get aligned. I am not a pill popper so this is great relief for me. The company shipped my product promptly and I received it within 3 days.

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